Scalmalloy is a high-strength aluminum alloy, with a chemical composition optimized for laser powder bed fusion processes such as direct metal printing (DMP). Scalmalloy bridges the gap between traditional aluminum cast alloys (for example, AlSi10Mg) and Ti Gr23, and provides a combination of high specific strength (strength-to-weight ratio), excellent corrosion resistance, and good thermal and electrical conductivity.
- Structural components that require high strength-to-weight ratios in the aerospace, motorsports, semiconductor machinery, and transportation industries
- Fluid flow applications with corrosion resistance and strict purity requirements
- Load-bearing, safety critical parts
- Scalmalloy is an approved material under the FIA regulations
DMP Flex 350 、DMP Flex 350 Dual および DMP Flex 350 Triple
迅速な部品生産のための強固でフレキシブルな金属 3D プリンタ
DMP Factory 350 および DMP Factory 350 Dual
粉体管理が統合された拡張可能で高品質な金属 AM